Becoming an AMCA Member

The steps to follow in joining the International Authority on Air Systems Coponents!

1. Eligibility

To be eligible for membership you must design, fabricate, assemble, and sell product(s) which fall under the AMCA product scope as a regular public offering.

2. Application

Accurately complete all pages of the membership application, sign, and return to AMCA staff.

3. Review

AMCA staff will review the application to ensure it is complete. Staff will then verify eligibility and request more information, as necessary.

4. Site Visit

AMCA staff or non-competing AMCA member will visit your location to verify that you manufacture AMCA scoped products.

5. Approval

AMCA staff presents your membership application to the AMCA Board of Directors for their review and formal vote of membership.

6. Acceptance

Upon approval of AMCA Board of Directors, AMCA staff will inform you of the decision and send an invoice with inital dues

Full Membership

A full member pays dues plus assessments based upon sales of AMCA scope products for its company and any joint members and is entitled to one vote on issues affecting AMCA.


$4,500 per year


0.00099 x the combined value of all worldwide sales within AMCA scope

Min Assessment

$2,200 per year

Max Assessment

N. America: $55,000 per year

Outside N. America: $2,500 per year

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Joint Membership

Both full and joint members are assessed, but payment is made by the full member. Joint members are not eligible to vote.


$4,500 per year


0.00099 x the combined value of all worldwide sales within AMCA scope

Min Assessment

$2,200 per year

Max Assessment

N. America: $55,000 per year

Outside N. America: $2,500 per year

apply now
Global Membership

Global members are a combination of one “parent” company, which is a full member and subordinate joint members on another continent.


$4,500 per year


0.00396 x the value of worldwide sales of licensed products.


0.00099 x the combined value of all worldwide sales within AMCA scope

Max Assessment

N. America: $55,000 per year

Outside N. America: $2,500 per year

Max Assessment + Dues

Not to exceed $90,000

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AMCA Associate

Companies that are not eligible for membership, but supply materials or services used by AMCA members.


$2,500 per year

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AMCA CRP Affiliate

An AMCA International Cerfified Ratings Program Licensee that is not an AMCA International Member.


$8,000 per year


0.00396 x the value of worldwide sales of licensed products.

Min Assessment

$8,800 per year

Min Assessment

$8,800 per year

Max Assessment

$55,000 per year

apply now

Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.